TC-Helicon VoiceLive Rack Vocal Harmony Effects Processor Reviews
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Average Review: 2
Manufacturer: TC Electronic and TC-Helicon
Price: $799
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About the TC-Helicon VoiceLive Rack Vocal Harmony Effects Processor
The Total Vocal ControlVoiceLive Rack combines a transparent, digitally controlled mic preamp, a full suite of adaptive pre-effects, and TC-Helicon's industry leading, complete vocal effects path to produce any vocal sound you've heard or dreamed of.
TC-Helicon VoiceLive Rack Vocal Harmony Effects Processor Reviews
As a whole, giant upgrade from another vocal processor I had. The price is up there considering you can get pretty much the same unit (Not rack mountable) for 499.99. Pros: A lot of effects for various styles of music, Rack mount for studio and live use, Comes with a VERY good sounding microphone by TC. Cons: Price is high, Microphone is difficult to sync with Rack, need foot switch to do what you want it to do (additional cost), Must have software up and running to view a list of effects and what number, As anything with this many options it takes a lot of trial and error to figure this thing out. The good the bad and the ugly weren't expected. Ease of use would be great, foot switch would be great. I wish companies would release a pilot product let a few people really put it to the test before they release it to ensure that when it goes to the public there is no disappointments. For what is on the market, this by far the best there is available, but that just says to me that thye have a long way to go to keep the middle class folks into home recording.
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