DigiTech EX7 Expression Factory Pedal Reviews
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Average Review: 2
Manufacturer: DigiTech
Price: $199.95
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About the DigiTech EX7 Expression Factory Pedal
The DigiTech Expression Factory was inspired by 7 of the world's classic expression pedals. Introducing Expression Factory, the pedal that lets you metatarsally modulate a whole pedal board of classic expression pedals. From Wah and Whammy to rare, sought-after pedals like the A/DA Flanger and DigiTech's own highly collectable Space Station Synth Swell.
DigiTech EX7 Expression Factory Pedal Reviews
zz was the graetest to deal with. plasted my order late sunday, got it friday morning,and monday was a holaday. Plaected order way at the mo. Im on a fixed income and get my check at the begining of the mo.I asked if could chage my billing from last of mo. to start of mo. They were only to happy to do so. They wouldnt even take a payment the start of this mo.,they siad they wate to next mo.Now for the EX7.I had a BOSS V wah long time ago,thought it waw avert good idea,really love the UNI. VIBE,slowly got into the wahs. After some mo. of playing with it noticed that it really niosy if the dist. was on, if I turned up the NG to help it really clipped my signal bad. I wanted to engage dist. any time, but this was'nt to be. I finally got rid of it. I know all modeling stuff is noisey, but this was crasy. I dont really care for DIGITECH stuff much, they have some good idea's but there big pedals sound like very prossesded guitar,not natueral at all. When I started looking at the EX7 agian I thought what a good idea,but thought back to the great V-WAH debockal.But with 30 day return deal what the heck. A'm I glad I did, no more cludder on the floor, no more being aballarina,turning this of and this on, just one simple unit. Every effect quiet good. As I don't often use one effect at time this is very functinal.The whammyis the one I use when I want is a diist. on and off. Set nob 1 to detune, the slitest bit of mix,and my favorite dist,[ds-1] and there ya go. Even the leslie sim. is good, at least on fast. [ I have tried every one that has come out in the lasr 30 yrs.] like most it' not good on slow, which is my favorite, but probally better than most,I actuelly find asetup on the flanger better for that. All & all I'm very saticfied. I guess I goy start cutting DIGITECH some slak now.
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